Thanks you to everyone who took part. Congratulations to all the winners and congratulations to all the farmers who produced such excellent coffee. ;-)

Lot 26 - XFG: Luis Eduardo Montoya Urrego

최종 입찰:$8.00/lb

Luis Eduardo has been a coffee producer for five years. He wants to promote coffee produced in Urrao Antioquia, and to be recognized worldwide as the best of the world. Luis wants to open a specialty coffee shop, where he can sell his coffee. He works everyday in improving coffee quality, developig new processes in the beneficio and drying carefully the coffee. He is very aware of the purpose of offering a good drink with his coffee and continuing to market his own brand of roasted coffee, while sharing a productive vision with the conservation of natural resources.

Lot Description

Reference Number:26 - XFG
Opening Bid:$4.00/lb
무게:529.1 lbs
Varietal:Caturra Chiroso
Process:Washed - Double Long Fermentation
Altitude:2000 masl
Boxes Size:24 kg Boxes
Location:Antioquia, Urrao
Producer:Luis Eduardo Montoya Urrego
Fermentation:144 hours

Coffee details

Farm details

Farm Name: Las Brisas
Farm Size: 3.0 ha
Location: Antioquia, Urrao
Farm Elevation: 2000 masl

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