Thanks you to everyone who took part. Congratulations to all the winners and congratulations to all the farmers who produced such excellent coffee. ;-)


Descripción del lote

Número de referencia:23
Apertura oferta:$3.50/lb
Peso:925.94 lbs
Método de secado:Parabolic dryers

Detalles del Cafe


Fermentation in mucilage for 12 hours.

Detalles de la finca

Nombre del productor: EDUARDO ARANGO MEJIA
Nombre de la finca: NOGALES
Región: CALDAS
Ciudad: NEIRA
Tamaño de la finca: 26.0 ha
Elevación de la finca: 1800 m.a.s.l.

Historia del productor:

Eduardo has been a coffee grower for 22 years in Neira municipality in Caldas. Eduardo is an industrial engineer and also a coffee grower. He has been able to live in the farm the last 10 months of the pandemic, where he has been able to learn more and more about coffee, even if he has been involved in this crop for more than 20 years. His main project is to export their coffee under the brand Nogales 1800.

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